We have to learn from history in order to avoid repeating its mistakes our own futures. In the 1933, elections, the Nazi Party won more than 40% support (see Appendix A); just a few years later, that had risen to more than 91%. It is important to understand just how strong this anti-Semitic nationalism was in Germany was. This kind of radical nationalism may recur and possibly give rise to the greatest conflict in the world again. This kind of question has already been engaged by historians such as I. Kershaw, HW Steed, D. Hamšík and a former mentor of Adolf Hitler, Dietrich Eckart. After reading their monographs, we can conclude that the Nazi Party achieved its success thanks to the collective consciousness of the German people.
This research question remains creative in that, if we read the literature (given in the bibliography), we can begin to understand the kinds of intrigues that were employed by the Nazi Party; what methods they used and the kind of “originality” that German people saw in Nazism. This question is interesting, especially inasmuch as it relates to creative scientists and technical workers/professors, whose histories show us the kind of modern technology that was possessed by the Nazis and how they progressively eradicated their opponents with the support of the citizens of Germany. The most important element to be considered is a creative understanding of Hitler’s shrewdness, which he used to enchant the whole German empire.
This question is clearly definable and can be approached from various fields, including territorial studies. ,,Why did the German people followed Hitler’s NSDAP party and overlook its anti-Semitic statements?” is a clearly definable question that can be analysed from different courses, including territorial studies. In researching this question from this standpoint, we can focus on the political reactions of other states after the results of the elections of that period (the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics, theUnited Kingdom, France, Czechoslovakia and Poland). From the standpoint of Political Geography, we may focus on the different political parties and how political parties were created during the period, while from the the Religious Studies viewpoint we can research to what extent anti-Semitic statements influenced people (decrease/increase) who claimed religion. The number of courses dealing with this issue / scientific research is vast.
Firstly, we have to understand why anti-Semitism gained traction in the post-1918 Weimar Republic years, which had just seen the German Empire lose the First World War and then sign the “peaceful” Versailles Treaty. Against this backdrop, new political parties were formed which took aim against those who “caused” the defeat in the First World War and against those who had signed the Treaty of Versailles. We have to focus on the early years of Hitler in the German Empire and Austrian Empires (especially in Vienna), then we have to examine the first steps in his political career in the DAP party, which later became NSDAP. Through this process, we will discover how he was inculcated with radical anti-Semitism, and what made him such a powerful speaker. After the Beer Hall putsch, he wroten Mein Kampf and then re-joined the Nazi party, which we will be discussed. We will understand why and how the popularity of the Nazi party grew so rapidly and why people did not concern themselves about its radical opinions. In conclusion, we will answer this research question that can be solved via several directions.
Finally, after studying all the works in the bibliography (see below), we can reach an overview of the whole situation: why the Nazi party has created; who assisted Adolf Hitler in becoming a powerful speaker and politician. Subsequently, we will understand the conditions which led to a collective consciousness of the German people that was receptive to the Nazi party. After reading and coming to such an understanding, it is beneficial to take into account that similar regime could emerge and rise to power at any time. That why it is so important to these terrifying wars, because this is the only way we can prevent such events recurring, now or in the future. We can learn what persuasive methods the Nazis used and how effectively they took advantage of their moment.
Due to the immense amount of of literature focusing on this subject, several plans can be drawn up, e.g.: military, collective elections, propagandistic and main political plans. These plans can be used, as has already been mentioned, to seek to prevent future deadly events. An important element that we have to analyse is the field of international relations in which the Nazis were able to prosper. Owing to the collective pride of the German people, they were enabled to leave an indelible impression upon the century. It is also important to analyse the behaviour of the Nazi’s allies and their future enemies (e.g.: United Kingdom). From this point of view we can, come to understand the behaviour of different states . . .
Introduction / I. Beginnings of Adolf Hitler / II. A. Hitler’s & his justify radical opinions / III. Propaganda / IV. Powerful absolute state in eyes of Führer / Conclusion
Appendix A: ,,The End of Weimar. General Election Results.” http://laroucheplanet.info/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Cult.Schachtausterity, (downloaded 7. 1. 2016)
Appendix B: ,,The Reichstag elections.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/tch_wjec/germany19291947/1hitlerchancellor1.shtml, (staženo 7. 1. 2016)
- Ian Kershaw, The “Hitler Myth”: Image and Reality in the Third Reich (Prague: Iris, 1992), 287 p.
- Dietrich Eckart, Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: ,,Dialogues Between Hitler and Me” (Prague: Hlaváč, 2003), 62 p.
- Henry Wickham Steed, Dictatorship and democracy: Adolf Hitler – Mein Kampf vs. T.G. Masaryk – The World Revolution (Prague: Kořínek, 2004), 125 s.
- Dušan Hamšík, Génius průměrnosti: Nová fakta a pohledy na Hitlerův konec (Praha, 1976), 161 s.