The long lack of rainfall and continuing drought in Brazil has important environmental consequence (see Appendix A). Brazil is the largest producer of coffee, which is called “arabica”. From a single tree about 100 kg of beans is produced, of which only half is used. This summer brought in a harvest of only 30 kg per tree. The usual rainfall per a year has fallen to a critical point, where Brazilians are in danger. This problem also includes the Brazilian economic industry. It uses water power stations to make electric energy. Work places in water power stations have increased by 40% in recent years, that is why people during this year must adapt to the weather. Which means that water power stations must begin to set workers’ limit. The leaders must reduce working hours for their workers. The politicians are slowly realizing how much this problem has become an environmental crisis. They can’t find any solution. Brazilian political incompetence affects the results.
This year hasn’t brought any change or solved any major environmental problems in Brazil. We are talking about worldwide problems with an increased price of coffee and other Brazilian crops. Restrictions of electric energy have already cost about 24 billion dollars and in what is a major problem, people haven’t got enough fresh water to drink. These troubles can have affects on the price of markets and shops worldwide and can also influence today’s global relationship.
Lots of experts and organizations over the world want to answer the question of climate change. They have got a similar opinion of Brazil’s case, that the government must adapt to today’s weather and take the right steps in the future. Specific studies from the Institute of Applied Economic Studies found that Brazilian transportation could have started this environmental crisis. The Brazilians’ use freight transport for 60% of land transport. This produces lots of emissions. They suggest to try the transport ship, which can reduce emissions and return rainfall to normal. Though if they accept this solution, it will have an impact on delivery packets. Because of this, Brazil could get new sponsorship or lose some.
In the Middle East they use water to reduce desert. It’s an overuse of water. In the United Arab Emirates there is a lack of fresh water, that’s why they have been investing in desalination plants. The Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates admitted: “For us, water is more important than oil.” Today’s water consumption in different states is very reckless. It is amazing that a cloud only 57 km in diameter can supply all people in the world.
Climate changes in all parts of the world keep going. Glaciers have been melting for years and greenhouse gases are growing. Nations will have to agree how to treat natural resources. These resources will replace oil and other major sources of energy.
We are standing in front of the biggest problem on Earth. And it is called the water crisis or bad water consumption (see Appendix B). Jean Chrétien, Canadian prime minister, described it well: ,,Using water the way we have in the past simply will not sustain humanity in the future.”
- Government of Brazil, Interministerial Committee on Climate Change – National Plan on Climate Change, (downloaded 02. 08. 2015)
- ,,Decade of drought: a global tour of seven recent water crises.”, The Guardian, (downloaded 03. 08. 2015)
- ,,In Nature’s wake: The art and politics of environmental crisis.”, #InNaturesWake, https://
- (downloaded 03. 08. 2015) In Nature’s wake: The art and politics of environmental crisis.
- ,,Brazil drought: water rationing alone won’t save Sao Paulo.”, The Guardian, (downloaded 03. 08. 2015)
- ,,Why fresh water shortages will cause the next great global crisis.”, The Guardian, http:// (downloaded 03. 08. 2015)
A: ,,Why fresh water shortages will cause the next great global crisis.”, The Guardian, (downloaded 03. 08. 2015)
B: ,,Decade of drought: a global tour of seven recent water crises.”, The Guardian, (downloaded 03. 08. 2015)
C: Featured Image: Movie, Director: Jessica Yu, 2012. Last Call at the Oasis, Region 1, Studio: Docurama, ASIN: B008LW2520