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Essay named ,,The British leaving Afghanistan” is focusing on the long-term conflict in the land of Afghanistan. Author demonstrates how much The Great Britain and her allies are involved in fighting against terrorism in the Middle-East. Writing deals with The Great Britain’s influence in Afghanistan. We find out in which territory GB operated and what steps have they done in the ongoing years. Why British troops supported international mission called ISAF and why they left Afghanistan after 12 years. The last issue is about why Americans started the war against terrorism.

Major literature I chose for this topic is British medial company BBC and Czech regional newspaper Deník. What is missing in literature BBC is summary and follow map, which shows full topic.

Military operations ISAF & The Great Britain

26. October 2014 the Great Britain stopped with any military operations in the huge land of the Afghanistan. After 12 years of permanent fighting the mission of International forces takes a “break” for security assistance in Afghanistan (in english speaking countries we find this mission under name ISAF). Current defense minister of UK Michael Fallon claims, that The Great Britain will not join in martial intervention again in the future.

Since the 2001 more than 400 British troops have died during the war against terrorism in Afghanistan. That is 2000 less compared to the USA numbers. Since 2001 more than 140 000 British soldiers have fought in Afghanistan. The Great Britain puts more than 19 billion pounds to support this war. Most of the english citizens are concerned about how much government spends money to support the war against terrorism and during the last 10 years there weren’t any significant changes and also the citizens don’t believe, that peace is going to endure long time. The British government stated, that the UK will participate in auxiliary military action called Resolute Support. The idea of this mission is several British soldiers training military forces in Afghanistan. We are talking about 12 000 foreign soldiers and 10 000 soldiers from the USA. Czech republic will participate in this Resolute Support too by sending more than 300 soldiers.

The map shows us 42 nations, which have joined the USA since the year 2001. We can see, that attendance of states is huge and each nation has got it‘s “own” part of Afghanistan land, which is under nation’s control. The Great Britain has struck in South-East of Afghanistan, in the are called Helmand.

Main actor The United states of America

Main actor, The United states of America, took a lead in the war against terrorism after terrorist assault on 11. September 2001. USA invasion to Afghanistan started the war against terrorism. The main goal of the USA was to destroy all main bases of terrorist organizations and to destroy their leaders, especially Usama bin Ladin. During the war lots of academicians created theories in which are the Americans fighting only for their own purposes. One of these purposes is easy acces to oil fields.. Other theory includes researching and testing new military technology and expanding their influence in the whole World..

We learn that intervention to the foreign nation doesn’t have to change anything, but i can most likely make things even worse. And all of this can cause worse amendment. That is the main reason why The Great Britain will not take a part in any “allies wars” in the future. But we mustn‘t forget how could Afghanistan, or terrorists groups and their allies react to the national invasion on their land during 2001-2015.

Thanks to this work we find out, that The Great Britain invaded Afghanistan with other 42 nations, which as time went on joined the United states of America’s military mission called ISAF. All this happened thanks to terrorist attack in the USA on 11. September 2001. The main reason why The Great Britain left Afghanistan is a lack of finance. During 12 years of constant warfare against terrorism it‘s cost GB more than 19 billion pounds plus British citizens weren’t satisfied with the outcome after those 12 years. No wonder, the war against terrorism can‘t be won, only set down the limit of terrorism or delay it. British troops were in the South-East of Afghanistan in the province of Helmand. They were next to Canada in the east and USA on the west side of Afghanistan. In the South Afghanistan borders with Pakistan, which means for GB, that they had much more difficult position, than for-example allies who operated in the North of Afghanistan. Pakistan has got relation with Afghanistan for a long time (especially Pakistan ,intelligence secret service ISI, was ally with the terrorist organization al-Qaeda). Departure of British troops is final. However, they left behind several military units to support and train new Afghanistan soldiers. Thanks to this support, they will create a basis for the future democracy.

  1. ,,Last British troops leave Helmand.”, BBC, (downloaded 05. 05. 2015)
  2. ,,Britain’s 13-year war in Afghanistan comes to an end.”, The Telegraph, http:// leave-Helmand-within-days.html/ (downloaded 05. 05. 2015)
  3. ,,Poslanci schválili plán zahraničních misí české armády.”, dení, z_domova/poslanci-schvalili-plan-zahranicnich-misi-ceske-armady-20141031.html/ (05. 05. 2015)
Appendix A

,,Afghanistan ISAF RC and PRT Locations.”, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, docu/epub/maps/graphics/afganistan_prt_rc.jpg/ (downloaded 05. 05. 2015)