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Winner of the Hult Prize 2017 in Taipei

Winner of the Hult Prize 2017 in Taipei

Adam Kubina, a student of International Relations and European studies at the Metropolitan University of Prague, has recently won the best idea at the National Chengchi University of Taipei, Taiwan. Adam took part with his team in the Project of Human Dignity, the...
EU Trade and Development Policy

EU Trade and Development Policy

Discussion with Frank Hoffmeister, Head of Unit at the European Commission and Former Deputy Head of Cabinet of Karl de Gucht, concerning EU Trade and Development Policy, at Brussels, Belgium providing by Global Learning. The European Union is seeking to make economic...


Nigeria is ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in the world, owing to the fact that its  politics are driven by money. Proportionately, Nigerian politicians are among the world’s best paid (a legislator earns around $189,000 per year). Poverty is a...